Pundit Jason Cundy gives 'huge amount of kudos' to one player for 3rd Chelsea goal – not Mudryk or Enzo

Pundit Jason Cundy gives 'huge amount of kudos' to one player for 3rd Chelsea goal – not Mudryk or Enzo

Former Premier League player Jason Cundy singled out one player for praise in Chelsea's third goal in the win over Brighton.

Robert Sanchez rolled the ball out to Raheem Sterling to start a counter-attack for the Blues, Sterling played it to Jackson, who passes it to Mudryk and Chelsea get a penalty.

“Can we please give Robert Sanchez a huge amount of kudos for that goal," said Cundy about the keeper's contribution.

"He was the one that came and claimed it (the corner). I felt that perhaps he should hold it.

"No. He rolls the ball out to Raheem Sterling, who in turn gives the ball to [Nicolas] Jackson, who then puts it to Mudryk, and then it ends up with the penalty.

"That has come from bright and intelligent play from Robert Sanchez.”

AuthorGursher ChabbaSourceChelsea 5th Stand