3 reasons for Sterling's miss of 2023 against Wolves - none looks good

3 reasons for Sterling's miss of 2023 against Wolves - none looks good

Raheem Sterling had one of the most glaring misses of the season in Chelsea's 2-1 defeat to Wolves on Sunday.

What was worse than the miss itself was his decision-making in that moment. With Cole Palmer and Nicolas Jackson both lined up next to him to score a simple tap-in, Sterling refused them the opportunity.

The image makes for pretty grim viewing for Chelsea fans as they would have taken the lead had Sterling chosen to pass.

The Athletic's Liam Twomey noted in his review of the game that there could have been three reasons for Sterling opting to go for the shot himself. All three are concerning for Chelsea fans.

1. Sterling may not have recognised the right decision. A player who has played at the level Sterling has would decide to pass 99 out of 100 times. This is cause for concern.

2. Sterling wilfully went for glory. This means the desperation to stand out with a goal would likely be higher than that of wanting the team to get the three points.

3. Sterling doesn’t trust his teammates. The third reason could be that he does not trust his teammates to convert a tap-in as simple as that. It could be understood, but probably still not forgiven, if Nicolas Jackson was alone to his right, but there was also Cole Palmer.

All three reasons for Sterling not passing the ball there are reason enough to be taken off the field immediately. Pochettino didn't do it, even though he had Nkunku waiting in the wings.

AuthorGursher ChabbaSourceThe Athletic