'Bring Jose home': Chelsea fan names 5 reasons why Mourinho return makes sense

'Bring Jose home': Chelsea fan names 5 reasons why Mourinho return makes sense

Mauricio Pochettino is under pressure as Chelsea find themselves in 11th place in the Premier League standings.

It looks like the owners are not going to sack the Argentine before the end of the season but speculation is mounting anyway. And Jose Mourinho is free.

A Blues fan nicknamed Vdyk has given five reasons why the Portuguese would be a perfect short-term solution to Chelsea's problems.

"Jose Mourinho as an interim would fix so many short term issues, Vdyk tweeted.

"Teaches the core of the team about what it means to be at Chelsea.

"Commands respect.

"Has unlimited experience.

"More stability with short term results.

"Has always been brilliant in finals.

"Bring Jose Home."

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceVdyk @ Twitter