'When you defend another badge': Pochettino says Palmer, Sterling must celebrate if they score against Man City

'When you defend another badge': Pochettino says Palmer, Sterling must celebrate if they score against Man City

Mauricio Pochettino has spoken about Raheem Sterling and Cole Palmer's return to Etihad this evening.

The boss has said that they don't have to prove anything to their former employers and must celebrate if they score.

"I don’t believe [they] have to prove anything. I think they are both grateful for the period that they were there and always they talk very highly about the coaching staff and Pep Guardiola. Raheem and Cole both talk very highly about Manchester City."

‘"When you score, it’s the most beautiful feeling," he added. "It’s hard to keep that in your body and not celebrate when you play for a different team.

"You showed respect when you were there, you gave everything to the club, the badge and the people. But when you defend another badge, you need to celebrate because you are part of another history."

AuthorGursher ChabbaSourceChelsea FC