'It’s been a long five months': Reece James on waiting for his return to Chelsea team

'It’s been a long five months': Reece James on waiting for his return to Chelsea team

The Blues celebrated a stunning comeback at the City Ground, clinching all three points against Forest. Reece James made a triumphant return from injury in the second half, delivering a perfect cross for Jackson's decisive header, completing the comeback just minutes after Sterling's equalizer.

Speaking after the game, Reece couldn't contain his joy, reflecting on the impressive away win and his return to action.

He said: "It was so great to be back out there! It’s been a long five months since I played. I’ve been waiting for this return for so long, so I’m happy I can make my comeback today and help the team."

"In fact, that’s the first time I’ve played this year. I was just determined to get back before the end of the season, be in a good shape to help the team and I’m glad I was able to do that today."

"It’s been a slow process for me to get back to this stage. Initially, we thought we would be looking at around three months out so to then be out for nearly five was really difficult for me to process in my head."

"There were some long days for me but that’s part of the process. Now I’m just glad to be back fit and able to help the team."

AuthorAndrii SokolovskyiSourceChelseafc.com