'This season is not worthy of Chelsea': Thiago Silva sends stark message to remaining players

'This season is not worthy of Chelsea': Thiago Silva sends stark message to remaining players

"If I have a message to send to the boys that are here today, I hope they understand that everything they did to get to Chelsea has to be worth it. Because the season we're having is not worthy of Chelsea. It's not," Thiago Silva told Sky Sports ahead of his final game for the Blues on Sunday.

"And I think they have to do more next year, they need to do more. If you look at the games, the fans never left the team, never. We were in ninth place, eighth, right? And the fans were always there. They booed us off a little at the end of the match, but they're always there in the stands, always with 40,000, 45,000.

"If we were somewhere else, they could throw rocks at us - we know that happens in our country. So these boys need to be aware that Chelsea has to fight for the top positions. If we take a little of our ego and put it in favour of the team, I think it will work. If we don't do that, the situation will hardly change, unfortunately."

In 2020, Thiago Silva joined the top-four regulars and won a Champions League trophy in his first season at the club — so, he probably could not have foreseen the downfall of the club since then.

Now, the Blues seem to be moving upwards but they can't afford to stop there, especially after a massive investment from the ownership group that arrived two years ago.
