How can Barca finance Erling Haaland transfer in 2025?

How can Barca finance Erling Haaland transfer in 2025?

The biggest news at Barcelona this week is definitely the renewed interest in Erling Haaland. It is reported that the Catalans target the Norwegian's signing in either 2025 or 2026.

The striker would cost a hell lot of money in transfer and agent feels and wages. His reported release clause at Man City would be €175m in 2025. With Barca in a salary cap hell, how can the club even think of landing him?

Mundo Deportivo claim that Joan Laporta is confident that profits generated from the renovated Camp Nou will finance the signing of Haaland.

Additionally, Robert Lewandowski's contract expires at the end of the 2024/25 season. The Catalans would free up a lot of money by not having to pay the Polish striker's wages.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceMundo Deportivo