Around 14% of Brazilian population placed online bets at least once in 2023

Around 14% of Brazilian population placed online bets at least once in 2023

According to research by Anbima (Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities), around 22 million Brazilians, i.e. 14% of the country's population, made at least one online bet in 2023.

This is seven times more than the number of Brazilians who made investments on the Stock Exchange in Brazil in the same year.

Why is betting so popular in Brazil?

Punters look at betting as an opportunity to earn money quickly and with a high return (according to 40% of bettors).

26% of those who took part in the research claim that betting brings fun, while 25% place bets looking for excitement.

20% are attracted by the opportunity to bet small amounts while 11% praise the ease of using betting apps.

Brazilian bettors, who are they?

19% of men and 10% of women place bets.

16% of people investing in the stock market also bet online, as they want to diversify their applications.

Most bettors (29%) are 16-27 years old, and 18% are aged between 28 and 42. 6% of bettors are aged 43-62 while the share of elders (62 years old or older) is only 4%.
