'I had a tough year': Kevin De Bruyne explains why the last title was one of his most special

'I had a tough year': Kevin De Bruyne explains why the last title was one of his most special

Kevin De Bruyne says the 2023/24 title win feels even sweeter because he overcame that nasty injury and came back to be a star for the team.

He said: "It feels as amazing as the first one, we’ve worked so hard, it’s been a tough battle with Arsenal and Liverpool this year, and to be here again, doing something historic is amazing."

"For me, this is one of my most special titles. I had a tough year being out, but to come back in the way that I did to help the team win and to be at a good level is a great achievement for me this season personally."

"The manager sets the standards, but this team enjoys playing with each other. It’s not a team with big egos, it’s a team who enjoy playing around with each other and having fun, like today, we ran like crazy because we want to perform well."

A hamstring injury in the opening Premier League match against Burnley forced De Bruyne out for nearly five months. It was a brutal start to his season but after surgery and rehab, Man City's midfielder made a triumphant return in January.

De Bruyne's skill shone brightly in the remaining months, playing a key role in securing our historic four-in-a-row title win - a first in English top-flight history.
