'He either has thunderous right foot or plays like amputated person. No in-between': Benfica fans on Nunez's United miss

'He either has thunderous right foot or plays like amputated person. No in-between': Benfica fans on Nunez's United miss

Darwin Nunez wasn't in his best form in Liverpool's 4-0 defeat against Man United on Tuesday.

The new signing missed a big chance late in the game, failing to put the ball into the empty net.

Here's what Benfica fans on Reddit are saying about the striker's miss.

ratchet570: "No refunds"

Descartavelmente: "Us, Benfica fans: 'First time?'"

NobodyRules: "Depending on the day he either has a thunderous and precise right foot or plays like an amputated person. No in between on the Darwin ride"

RNGer: "I'll be honest. He is not a finished product like Luis Diaz was. I'll illustrate that by going through his strengths and weaknesses:

"Finishing: His finishing went from horrendous to great in the span of two seasons. From anxious and frustrating with rushed shots, to clinical and composed in front of goal. Hard to say where his "true" skill lies, but I would venture a guess that after he settles it should fall more on the good.

"Physicality: His best (or second best) attribute. He might not have an impressive acceleration but his strength and pace with and without the ball is great. He'll bully defenders and will not shy away from contact.

"Positioning and Movement: Not bad if he plays as a poacher or a wide forward. He can get into space and on the end of crosses fairly easily, both from open-play and set pieces, aided by his strength and size also.

"Technique: His shooting technique is good, powerful and (mostly) accurate. His heading technique, while not perfect, is effective. That's it. His passing is atrocious. His link-up play with his back to goal was reminiscent of United's Lukaku, with wild passes coming off like he was wearing combat boots.

"Mentality: His best attribute (or second best, depending on your preference), along with his physicality. He's humble and has the drive to improve and do better all the time. He will not stop fighting (sometimes even getting into trouble).

"Overall I would say that I believe he can improve with good coaching and as he gets more familiar with the team. He is great in some aspects and awful in others.

"The best way I can sum up Darwin is: put him in a team like Atlético de Madrid and he would be a beast, put him in a team like Manchester City and he would be awful."

manolo533: "No backsies"

AuthorAleksei Blokhin