Gomez names possible reason why he hasn't scored in 201 games for Liverpool

Gomez names possible reason why he hasn't scored in 201 games for Liverpool

Joe Gomez still hasn't opened his scoring record for Liverpool, despite making 201 appearances for the club so far.

“I score in training,” the 26-year-old said on the We Are Liverpool podcast. “I don’t know, it’s weird because obviously eight years it’s never been that apparent, and now suddenly even the gaffer gave me a bit.

“He [Klopp] said he’d give my wife some money if I scored!

“I think the biggest thing is, I’m never really up for corners. So obviously that plays a role, I’d have a little bit more of a chance, maybe, but I don’t know, it’s weird.”

The Englishman is getting closer and closer to opening his record for Liverpool. He's being played as a full-back now so he gets into scoring positions more often as compared to the times he plays at centre-back.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceWe Are Liverpool