Darwin Nunez addresses online abuse: 'Whoever says that it doesn't affect them is lying'

Darwin Nunez addresses online abuse: 'Whoever says that it doesn't affect them is lying'

Darwin Nunez removed all Liverpool-related pictures from his Instagram account. The striker has received a lot of abusive comments on social media in his two seasons at Anfield.

“From the moment you start playing and until you retire, there will always be someone who will criticise you,” he told Uruguay’s Canal 10, as quoted by the Athletic.

“I avoid reading those comments. Before I did look at them a lot and it affected me. Whoever says that those negative comments do not affect them is lying. Negative comments that are directed towards you will always affect you.

“Now I’m not looking at anything, not even the good stuff. If a game goes badly for me, I rely on my family. I try to laugh with my family and not show my son the anger I have. What happened in the game is already there and there is always revenge.”

Back in March, the Uruguayan responded to abuse from opposition fans at City Ground by scoring against Nottingham Forest.

“In that game, the Nottingham fans were singing to me. But I didn’t understand anything, thank goodness,” he added.

“I ignore those comments because they are of no use to me. I ended up scoring and then the coach in the locker room said ‘screw them’.”
