Jose Mourinho heaps plenty of praise on Anthony Martial for Everton display

Jose Mourinho heaps plenty of praise on Anthony Martial for Everton display

Jose Mourinho spoke to Sky Sports about the MotM Martial: ''He has the same natural talents he had one or two years ago but he is improving the way he thinks of football and improving his role in the team. I am happy with boys who are improving. It is difficult periods for them and for me because I want more from them but I am really happy with Anthony.

He added: ''In terms of my approach to my young players, that's the way I am. In the end, you have the rewards of that hard work if they don't give up and they don't have an entourage who supports their weaknesses.''

In the similar was, a praise was administered to another player: ''Luke Shaw was strong and these people were good to him and now Anthony is becoming a better player.''
