Pogba: 'I love playing against top teams with top players'

Pogba: 'I love playing against top teams with top players'

Paul Pogba's last Manchester derby was his big day. He scored a brace at Etihad within 97 seconds helping United postpone title celebrations for City.

This year, United arguably need the win even more. If last season it was about pride (second place was all but secured), now it's about the top-4 although some fans would still love to lose to Pep Guardiola's men just to spite Liverpool. Pogba's not one of them.

Pogba told Laura Woods from Sky Sports: ''I wouldn't say it is the same situation [from a year ago], because they (City) need to win as well, they really need it and so do we. We are both in a race for something - them for the title and us for the Champions League for fourth or third place - so it is going to be a tough one and a very important one.

''This rivalry has always been there, even when I was in the U18s and we would play against City. This derby just wants love, adrenaline, you play for the shirt with two teams in the same city and you just want to beat them.

''You can see that those games are very intense and it is beautiful to play in those games because you get the experience, you have the crowd that are behind you and they just push you. To win those games is really beautiful. It feels like it is different from other games.''

Pogba missed the local derby this season and the second leg against Paris St-Germain in the Champions League. That's not a feeling he loves.

He added: ''Speaking for myself, I love playing against top teams with top players. I love to play against them, it is a game I look at, I learn a lot and I gain experience. I just want to play well against this team and you want to win. It is beautiful to stop teams in the league or in the world, you just want to beat them because to be the best.

''Obviously we would be very disappointed [if United did not finish in the top four]. Two seasons in a row without trophies is not good at all.''

Author.eugeneSourceSky Sports