Marcus Rashford partners with food charity Fare Share to help children during coronavirus quarantine

Marcus Rashford partners with food charity Fare Share to help children during coronavirus quarantine

Marcus Rashford has teamed up with food charity Fare Share in order to help struggling children stay fed during the Covid-19 quarantine.

An official statement from the Man United striker reads: "Guys, across the UK there are over 32,000 schools. Tomorrow all of these will close. Many of the children attending these schools rely on free meals, so I've spent the last few days talking to organisations to understand how this deficit is going to be filled.

"I wanted to understand the scale of the problem and how we can reach vulnerable children. It's not just schools. It's community centres, breakfast clubs, etc that provide the only meal many kids get each day. No child should have to worry where their next meal is coming from.

"Fare Share distributes food to 11,000 different organisations across the UK reaching almost 1 million people in need a week. Today, I am partnering with them to rework how food is distributed during the closure, with the aim that no child is missed.

"To anyone reading who can spare a few £'s, you could make a big difference, supporting cost of delivery vans, warehouse storage and other logistics. Just £5 helps Fare ShareUK provide 20 meals. We ask you to please send any product you can to Fare Share to support their efforts during the closure."

Rashford has previously donated food to children's home in Saint Kitts in honour of his grandmother and spread Christmas cheer at Manchester homeless shelters.
