Gary Neville slams UK's Health Secretary for calling on Premier League stars to take a pay cut

Gary Neville slams UK's Health Secretary for calling on Premier League stars to take a pay cut

Gary Neville has slammed Matt Hancock for suggesting that the Premier League stars should consider taking a pay cut during the coronavirus-related suspension.

The Englishman believes the United Kingdon Health Secretary should be focusing on the problems at hand, such as urgently testing the NHS staff for Covid-19.

Responding to the UK government official on Twitter, the Manchester United legend said: "I wish I was a player for 10 more mins.

"The Premier League players are more than likely working on a proposal to help clubs, communities and the NHS [National Health Service].

"It takes longer than two weeks to put together. Matt Hancock calling them out when he can't get tests in place for NHS staff is a f****** cheek!"

On Friday, Premier League clubs have unanimously agreed to consult their players on potential wage cuts up to 30 per cent of their annual revenue in order to avoid going down during the coronavirus lockdown.

