Former United boss Mourinho personally volunteers transfer of food essentials to Tottenham stadium

Former United boss Mourinho personally volunteers transfer of food essentials to Tottenham stadium

Former Man United manager Jose Mourinho is proving himself to be classy as ever in real life by personally delivering essential foods items to Tottenham Hotspur’s stadium amid the lockdown period.

Spurs revealed on Twitter on how Mourinho completed the first of his weekly deliveries where he takes items from the club’s Kitchen Garden at their training facility and helps transport them to their main stadium.

Mourinho promised to start doing so recently and has gone through with his vow, as he can be noticed actually picking up items and personally delivering them to the area.

These items will now be distributed to those most in need of it around the local community in London, as many struggle to cope with the difficulties brought on by the coronavirus outbreak around the country.

Mourinho was at United for just over two seasons where he helped us win the UEFA Europa League title as well as Carabao Cup before leaving on a bitter note.

Regardless, the Portuguese is proving to possess that United blood in him with this admirable act in such tough times.
