Wolves man Raul Jimenez targets Europa League glory ahead of potential Man United showdown

Wolves man Raul Jimenez targets Europa League glory ahead of potential Man United showdown

Speaking to the Independent, Raul Jimenez said: "It feels amazing being in the quarter-finals. We've had a long journey to be here, but now we have to face it knowing that it will be difficult, but we are playing for something and we want it.

"It's very big. After our first year in the Premier League we learned a lot, we achieved the Europa League, now this year, we made more points in the Premier League and now we're in the quarter-finals, we want it more.

"We want to keep going like this. It’s a long, long season. We started last year and now we are here, still with the same players, still with the same rhythm, now we try to achieve big things and we know that we can do it."

If Manchester United and Wolves get past FC Copenhagen and Sevilla respectively, the two Premier League sides will face each other in the Europa League semi-final.

AuthorGeorgy TsepkovskiySourceIndependent