Some Man United fans make ridiculous claim about Bruno missing Aston Villa penalty 'on purpose' to get Ole sacked

Some Man United fans make ridiculous claim about Bruno missing Aston Villa penalty 'on purpose' to get Ole sacked

Nothing like a good old defeat to send some Manchester United fans into full-blown panic mode.

There's a wild conspiracy circulating on social media about Bruno Fernandes missing his 93rd-minute Aston Villa penalty - and costing us the draw - 'on purpose'. Why, you ask?

To get Ole Gunnar Solskjaer 'sacked', of course.

A video by fan account 'reddevilarmy21' has surfaced on TikTok with the message: "This miss was not an accident."

Footage of Bruno's missed penalty is then played followed by a Steven Gerrard incident with then-Liverpool manager Roy Hodgson.

Hodgson left Liverpool in 2011 after Gerrard missed a penalty in a 3-1 loss to Blackburn Rovers. Fans famously believe he did it on purpose which led to the boss' sacking.

Both situations are completely different and given Bruno's close relationship with Ole, there's no way this could ever be true.
