Caught on Camera: Maguire's amazing goal-saving block vs Aston Villa

Caught on Camera: Maguire's amazing goal-saving block vs Aston Villa

Harry Maguire had a really solid outing in Man United’s 2-2 draw against Aston Villa on Saturday.

The captain was arguably the best defender in the side, looking proactive and energetic in his half.

Maguire made a number of crucial challenges to avert danger, but his best came in the second half.

Around the 63rd minute, Villa substitute Leon Bailey was played through on goal in the box.

The winger was able to go around David de Gea and had an open net in front of him.

But Maguire leapt to action, making a clutch block to send it away for a corner and deny Bailey his second goal.

The Englishman was substituted later on and was unlucky to see United concede a late equalizer nonetheless.

AuthorUttiyo ScarnageSourceMUTV