'A sad state of affairs': Neville says United fans will be watching FA Cup final 'behind the sofa' – Keane responds

'A sad state of affairs': Neville says United fans will be watching FA Cup final 'behind the sofa' – Keane responds

Gary Neville has shared his take on the upcoming FA Cup final between Manchester United and Manchester City, claiming United fans will be watching the game from 'behind the sofa'.

Roy Keane suggested that although it's a sad state of affairs, United fans will have to remain optimistic.

“You are saying that you’ll be watching the FA Cup final behind the sofa,” he said to Neville.

“That’s a sad state of affairs, if you feel you can’t watch Manchester United in a Cup final – there’s always that hope that they will turn up and produce some sort of performance.

“I look at this Manchester City game over the past few weeks – are they favourites? Of course, but you’ve still got to believe.

"You have to have some belief in United and that they can turn up at Wembley and produce a performance.”

AuthorGursher ChabbaSourceIndependent