Hamit Altintop meets Cristiano Ronaldo and Pepe - is shocked by one thing they do

Hamit Altintop meets Cristiano Ronaldo and Pepe - is shocked by one thing they do

Before Portugal's game against Turkey yesterday, Real Madrid ex-players Cristiano Ronaldo and Pepe met another ex-Madridista Hamit Altintop.

Hamit seemingly was very happy to see his ex-teammates - however, he was absolutely shocked by one thing. After greeting them, Hamit asked: "You guys are still playing?"

It is not difficult to understand why Altintop was so surprised - he retired from club football 6 years ago, at the age of 35, and stopped playing for the national team even earlier.

And here are Cristiano Ronaldo, who is still breaking records at the age of 39, and Pepe, who is just 2 months younger than Altintop, but is still playing football at the highest level.

The longevity of these two is phenomenal!

AuthorOleksandr ZhovtiakSourceTwitter