Alphonso W. Lewis

Alphonso W. Lewis

Registration date: October 11, 2018

User comments

Alphonso W. Lewis
I think real madrid give Benzema up to mid season to see his partnership with who so ever that is coming.
Alphonso W. Lewis
He need to be given the chance at real madrid.
Alphonso W. Lewis
***** sweat and blood
Alphonso W. Lewis
Thanks for those wonderful nine years you made our heart cheer you, while given sweat and for the our club. Bravo CR7 wish you well in your new challenges.
Alphonso W. Lewis
Trump is crazy
Alphonso W. Lewis
My look at things here shu not be a exchange of player here. However Perez can go on as he wishes to bring in Neymar.
Alphonso W. Lewis
Luka Modric
Alphonso W. Lewis
I think Navas still has the team luck. But he needs a competition from another top class keeper. My choice is Kaylor Navas.
Alphonso W. Lewis
Hala Madrid
Alphonso W. Lewis
You remain the best coach in Uefa champions League history.