richard boyden

richard boyden

Registration date: July 26, 2019

User comments

richard boyden
Puig needs to be more like his example and mentor Leo Messi who never thought like that. he wanted to be there right now yesterday. the more you're in the big time the better you're going to get and that's not as a b player
richard boyden
richard boyden
Replied to user's comment George Mart
You people are sick I guess! Wtf should be our expectation in a friendly match or what our fucking expectations should be in the champions league this season! Wtf is wrong with y'all!!! And get Dembele tf out of my team. Please.
you're right on the money George. besides dembele you need to add the coach. and I have questions about Suarez. how many easy goals did he miss. and then the fatal Miss by dembele.
richard boyden
what are my expectations the question is asked. Barcelona has a terminal problem and it's name is valverde the coach. he thinks like a dinosaur. He's predictable. on top of that you have players who have lost the edge and or aren't hungry enough to be the best anymore. I won't name names but one has a last name that begins with a s and needs to be shipped off because now replacements I've arrived
richard boyden
Does anybody remember when Messi said he would not renew his contract unless Neymar would be returning? I do! and did not Messi just enter negotiations for his contract? what does that say?