Imadode Benson

Imadode Benson

Registration date: February 17, 2020

User comments

Imadode Benson
he was not Born in Stafford bridge so he should go y others will come in. Up blue
Imadode Benson
when he was in spur the players flourish, I wish him success in our dear club Chelsea amen
Imadode Benson
Replied to user's comment Victor Imeh Wizman
mount is a betrayer, Thiago is loyal and plays for the badge. that's why I love Brazilian, it's all about the badge 📛
up Chelsea the strongest team in the world. a club bound from buying player in a season yet went ahead to to carry European champions league. Therefore I say goodbye to a rebellion mount and welcome to reliable New comer. once again up Chelsea the blue for live
Imadode Benson
Mason Mount is traitor, he believes Chelsea will not rise again, since February which contribution has he made to help d club, after all the achievement he made in Chelsea he is paying Chelsea with rebels character. Chelsea should let him go for him not to cause division among other players in the dressing room
Imadode Benson
tiring down players make him feel so special and now create disunity among others the team, any ready to go let him go others will come in. Chelsea is Chelsea we knows how to handle abysmal period even though we didn't go to UEFA or europa league next we come out stronger than ever next season by the grace of God
Imadode Benson
arsenal fans are mouth sticking, so they should go to hell bcos auba will score arsenal at least 2goals since they wanted him to flop he definitely finish them
Imadode Benson
Chelsea fans 3points is the ultimate, forget about entertainment Or not, if want entertainment you can go and invite musician to entertain you period
Imadode Benson
how many times has Chelsea women won the league in total
Imadode Benson
Eden welcome back to Stanford bridge
Imadode Benson
please don't crucified him because the reason he gave is genuine gay is a satanic practices