Haryormidey Hanafi

Haryormidey Hanafi

تاريخ التسجيل: June 4, 2019

تعليقات المستخدم

Haryormidey Hanafi
Reply to user's comment Haryormidey Hanafi
player like Hazard and who again
yes because he too like late changes and he know we more goals
Haryormidey Hanafi
player like Hazard and who again
Haryormidey Hanafi
the third option was fine,we need more goals tommorow...
Haryormidey Hanafi
dont let us lose him like ronaldo atlist he worth the money we are talking about,is 100% better our highest paid player now. keep him as those big clubs keeps dere best players
Haryormidey Hanafi
First formation was good
Haryormidey Hanafi
we too like to dey gamble game atimes.barcelona have drop point for us instead for us to play with determination and win the the game with enough scores.we are play rotation game,is dis the time we need rotation
Haryormidey Hanafi
we dont need to dey give player chance when we need them to deliver for us,we are big team not small team like arsenal and so on...if to said we ha e good active striker that can be scoring for us now,we can said maybe is because we ha e someone that didnt let him have playing time.but we seriously need active striker now that benzema self have off and we need who can be scoring for us now...
Haryormidey Hanafi
nobody I just like the white team club right from my childhood