The Telegraph: Premier League clubs push for extension of summer transfer window until October

The Telegraph: Premier League clubs push for extension of summer transfer window until October

The Premier League clubs are hopeful that the summer transfer window will be delayed this year to help them plan their signings better.

According to The Telegraph, the clubs have discussed the possibility of the summer window being open from August until October rather than the traditional June-August schedule.


With the Premier League and other major European leagues expected to run until late July, many transfers will need to be put on hold and clubs have put forward the idea of postponing the window.

The 2020-21 Premier League season is said to be beginning in September, so this new format gives the sides at least a month to work on their business.

The report suggests that other European leagues like La Liga, Bundesliga support the idea but FIFA want to limit the window to 16 weeks at most.

Of course, Arsenal will hope to get as much time as possible to work on transfers. The Gunners have their eyes set on signing Thomas Partey, but his high value means the negotiation process could take a long time to get completed.

There are several ways the North Londoners could reinforce the squad in the summer and we earlier analysed three possible scenarios.

According to the club chairman Raul Sanllehi, fans should not expect any big-money deals as the club is in a sorry financial state due to the effects of the pandemic.

However, Stan Kroenke has only become richer during the crisis so why not splash some cash?

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceThe Telegraph