Frank Lampard: Petr Cech had 'big say' in Edouard Mendy deal

Frank Lampard: Petr Cech had 'big say' in Edouard Mendy deal

"Petr was important in that because goalkeeper is a very particular position," Frank Lampard said as quoted by Sky Sports when asked about the role Chelsea's technical and performance advisor played in arranging the imminent Edouard Mendy deal.

"Petr Cech was the best in the world in that position for a long time so he's obviously had a big say in this situation.

"From my point of view, I lean heavily on him when it comes to goalkeeping today and in the future. So yes, he was very influential."

In 2004, Cech joined Chelsea from Rennes, and he is understood to still have contacts with the French club. So, when Chelsea became interested in another goalkeeper from the same club, it was only natural that Cech would be involved in the process.

AuthorMichael EllisSourceSky Sports