Frank Lampard: It is pleasure to coach player like Thiago Silva

Frank Lampard: It is pleasure to coach player like Thiago Silva

"His English is improving, particularly the football side of his English, his words on around the pitch," Frank Lampard said about Thiago Silva, as per Sky Sports. "His influence is huge. Without the language his professionalism has been very clear. That rubs off on players, they respect him.

"His performances have been very good. He trains well, prepares well and it's very obvious with him why he has had the amazing career he has had so far. It's been great to have him in the squad.

"Players look up to him and how he goes about his daily business and how he performs.

"It is great for younger players, every player in the squad. It is certainly a pleasure to coach and manage a player with that much intensity and wanting to perform at the highest level.

"Even his age doesn't feel like a big deal with managing him. When you look at his performances and how he trains it has just been a real positive story so far.

"Long may that continue, not just for him but also the influence he has on the team."

Thiago Silva has impressed so much during his short spell at Chelsea that the Premier League nominated him for the Player of the Month award in October. It's not difficult to see why: in every game Silva played last month, Chelsea kept a clean sheet.

The 36-year-old will certainly see his game time managed this season but if he continues performing like this, the Brazilian is bound to be the first choice in his position.

AuthorMichael EllisSourceSky Sports