How much money Chelsea — and Chelsea players — will get if they win Carabao Cup: revealed

How much money Chelsea — and Chelsea players — will get if they win Carabao Cup: revealed

The Daily Mail report that a team that wins the Carabao Cup will get £100,000 in prize money from the English Football League, the organisers of the tournament.

Chelsea's internal bonus for winning the competition stands at £500,000 — or about £20,000 if divided equally between the players. The Blues' bonus system prioritises other competitions: namely, the FA Cup and the Premier League.

For the sake of comparison, last season's winners Man United paid their players a total of £1.6m in bonuses for winning the League Cup, or around £65,000 to each player.

Chelsea face Liverpool in the League Cup final on Sunday, February 25.

AuthorAleksei BlokhinSourceThe Daily Mail