Kenny Dalglish performing presentation & 5 other details of upcoming PL trophy lift at Anfield

Kenny Dalglish performing presentation & 5 other details of upcoming PL trophy lift at Anfield
  • First, James Pearce claims that King Kenny will be among those who will present the trophy to the lads.
  • The players were involved in planning the trophy lift which promises to be a true spectacle and, according to Pearce, the lads are absolutely delighted that it will happen at the Kop stand.
  • Rows of the seats have been removed from the Kop where the stage is being built.
  • Banners from the Kop have been removed, fireproved and then put back as the trophy lift will be accompanied by fireworks.
  • Chelsea game itself is set to be moved to free-to-air by Sky. The League hopes it will encourage the fans to stay home rather than storm Anfield.
  • Well, looks like the only thing that doesn't look as bright as possible at the moment is the inevitable lack of the Reds at the stands. But do not despair, however, as Klopp has promised a celebration for the ages once they will be allowed to hold the parade.