First images appear as Anfield prepares to host Premier League trophy celebration in 2 days

First images appear as Anfield prepares to host Premier League trophy celebration in 2 days
  • Pictures from inside Anfield emerge on social media showing The Kop being transformed to host the Premier League trophy presentation to the Liverpool players.
  • The ceremony will take place on Wednesday, July 22, after Liverpool's last home game of the season against Chelsea.
  • Sir Kenny Dalglish will be among those who will present the trophy to the team.
  • Fireworks are also expected to be a part of the show even though, of course, there will be no fans inside the ground to see it.
  • The Chelsea game and the ceremony will be free-to-air on Sky Sports. The League hopes it will encourage the fans to stay home rather than storm Anfield.
AuthorMichael EllisSourceTwitter