'This is why he is the face of Premier League': Fans react to Salah's Gaza plea

'This is why he is the face of Premier League': Fans react to Salah's Gaza plea

Mohamed Salah has called on world leaders to stop the Israeli–Palestinian conflict urgently and deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza amid the Israeli shelling of the region.

The conflict is a highly divisive topic and the Liverpool attacker has opted against taking an explicit stance in support of Palestine or Israel. His message is more of a humanitarian, not political kind.

Here is how football fans — those supporting Liverpool but also those who support other teams — have reacted to Mo speaking up.

Ben: "How lucky are we to have been blessed with Mohamed Salah at our football club? One of the greatest to grace this country, but as a human being? He’s just unbelievable. A true icon. A true great. Both on & off the football pitch."

May: "Mo Salah making a 1 minute video speaking up on Palestine while playing in a League that supports Israel AND while knowing that there could be consequences? Hes such a good and humble person & wayyy too disrespected."

Hassan: "Wish he just came out and condemned Israel outright, especially someone like Salah that probably would be more protected cos of his status. Liverpool wouldn’t have the balls to axe him"

Jude: "if you think Salah saying fuck Israel would do more good than this statement you have to break ur social media bubble. he has the potentional to not just reach the consciousness of people in power, but to influence them. and that influencing HAS to be done a certain way"

BackseatsmanLFC: "Love this man. Don't care how much Saudi offers next summer, give him whatever he wants and make sure he retires here. Legendary figure who transcends the sport."

Taha Memon: "Do you understand the courage needed to challenge the status quo when you're as big as Mohamed Salah is? I have understood long ago not to idolise celebrities but this man proves every day why he's not just a great footballer, but a gem of a human being."

CFCDubois: "This is why Mo Salah is the face of the Premier League."

AuthorAleksei Blokhin