Remi Adewale

Remi Adewale

Fecha de registro: 8 de octubre de 2018

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Remi Adewale
Respondió al comentario de usuario Boqor Mataan
Shut up and sell adrian 😬
sorry, Liverpool got him for free
Remi Adewale
ole, you are 10 game unbeaten and your head is now swell up comparing your team with a team with 45 unbeaten run in the same league, you need a brain check
Remi Adewale
Good plan ahead of the Africa nation cup, Werner and minamino covering for Salah and mane
Remi Adewale
if he is the one pushing for exit,let him go, he's like sturridge with a lot of potential but too many injury.Liverpool should not be hold responsible for his lack of playing time
Remi Adewale
I remember jurgen word,we want players who will push the train and not those who will jump on the train
Remi Adewale
I remember Robo doing the same thing to messi at bercelona
Remi Adewale
Respondió al comentario de usuario Red 1964
I think the whole team should just pee in a bucket before every game and pour it out at both goal posts before the game starts 🤣🤣🤣
Remi Adewale
What Mane is saying here is that the holiday issue is not a big deal, having 20 day off from football in seven years is not a new thing to him after all he has not been with Liverpool in all these 7 years and he has been given 100% performances
Remi Adewale
Garry was,is and will always be obsessed about Liverpool even in his dreams
Remi Adewale
no no no no