Bruno on his top-6 record: 'I’ve scored against Spurs, but people say that penalties don’t count'

Bruno on his top-6 record: 'I’ve scored against Spurs, but people say that penalties don’t count'

When asked about his poor form against top-6 sides in the Premier League this season, Bruno Fernandes told Sky Sports: “What do people mean by top-6? Because the teams who are in the top-6 in the table, I’ve scored and assisted against some of them. I’ve scored this season against Tottenham (Hotspur), but people say that penalties don’t count so should be considered 0-6 then?

“I know people are waiting, expecting Bruno to score every game because I’ve played really well and I want to do that. For me, the most important thing as a player is I don’t look at games vs the big-6 in a higher regard, I look at every game in the same way.

“If you look at my stats in the last few games against big teams, you’ll see that my passing accuracy was good. Just against Chelsea maybe it wasn’t good enough. I agree that I haven’t played well in the last two games. I know that, I don’t need to see the stats to see that or not. But sometimes I’m a  little bit sad about people who know about football saying so many things I don’t agree with.

“Like talking about the moment when in the past some of them were players and they know football is not the moment, the past or the future. It’s about all of them, past, right now and future. It’s sad to see some stuff that some people say about my teammates and about me.

“But honestly if people want to complain that you don’t score every game or I don’t score, they can say that I don’t play well. For me it’s okay as I can have that pressure on my back. I know that at some moment I will score, I will assist and I will respond in big games to help my team win the games.”

Bruno has had a pretty disappointing record in the big PL games, only scoring against Tottenham among the ‘traditional top-6’ sides. The Portuguese midfielder will look to shut his doubters and get back to his best at the Manchester Derby to help United end Man City’s winning record.

AuthorUttiyo ScarnageSourceSky Sports